Naturopathy and Its Derivatives

What's it all about? Get your plate ready and fin...

What Are The Different Types of Insomnia?

6 Sleep Disorders to Take Seriously

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The 5 Principles Of Reiki

Let's approach the Universe with care and serenity

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How Can You Escape The Taboo Of The Menopause?

Gillian Anderson wants to encourage women to brea...

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Natural Health

Focus on Green Tea

Why does green tea arouse so many passions?

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What You Need To Know About CBD

The new dietary supplement known for its relaxing...

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Probiotics: Unravel The True From The False!

Probiotics, a real or a false hope against digest...

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Alternative Healing

Open Your Chakras

Bad mood? Unblock your chakras and recharge your ...

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Ayurveda, The Science of Life

More than just a philosophy, it’s a way of life!

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Aromatherapy On The Rise!

Aromatherapy... A passing fad?

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What Does Acupuncture Heal?

A form of alternative medicine? With a little hum...

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This Summer, Say Stop To Mosquitoes!

Our natural ideas and advice: Repellents by Women...

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Which Sunscreen To Choose This Summer?

A good idea for summer: I protect my skin from th...

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Spring Sun, Your Health Partner

Sunshine, mild temperatures, flowering trees and ...

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Essential Nutriments

The Essential Role of Zinc

Zinc: Benefits, dosage, foods… We tell you what y...

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The 9 Trace Elements That Can Boost Our Health

The 9 trace elements that can boost our health

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What Are The Benefits Of Vitamin D?

Why is Vitamin D so important?

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How Much Water Should You Drink Per Day?

Is the water we drink just as important as the ai...

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Women's Health

Natural Alternatives To Get Through The Transition

Fortunately there are natural solutions on hand t...

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How To Prepare For Menopause

What if it was a liberation?

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How To Control Hot Flashes?

The Menopause, understand it better to manage it ...

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Overcome Insomnia

Insomniac in my spare time

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Understanding Sleep Problems

Better identify sleep disorders to prevent insomnia

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10 Good Habits to Adopt to Sleep Well

Fall asleep every night with a smile!

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It’s the Right Time to Have a Nap!

Nap, rest, doze, it feels so good. Naps and siest...

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Mental Health

When Fatigue And Stress Take Over

Let's look at the manifestations of stress and it...

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How to fight against stress?

Stress is everywhere! How can you manage it?

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What Is Stress?

Stress, a natural feeling?!

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Featured In Health

Let's Reconcile Nature And Health With Shamanic Medicine

When a human being is considered to be a componen...

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Focus On Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine; A new choice for you?

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What Your Aches And Pains Are Telling You

Everything which can’t be explained is explained!

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Myth Or Reality, The Real Secrets Of The Placebo Effect

A real deception: Fake Drugs that can have real e...

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