It’s the Right Time to Have a Nap!

Nap, rest, doze, it feels so good. Naps and siestas are the pleasures of our holidays!

Summer is finally here, for many of us it will also be vacation time. You know that long-awaited period, where we can go into "there are no more schedules, I can do what I want, how I want and especially, when I want".
You may feel you need to catch up on sleep and napping, or as the Spanish do in the hot afternoons, having a siesta can give you the right opportunity to recharge your batteries, laze around, relax and catch up on your Zzzzzs!
In this article there will be no scientific data, just our way of seeing things from another angle. We are not going to do a thesis on napping, seriously!!! We simply let go, it's just a lovely little moment for us.
Who has never wanted to take a nap on a deckchair at the beach under the shade of a parasol or in a garden, cradled in a hammock? Or, for the more adventurous: in the grass, under the shade of a tree, or simply in the coolness of a quiet room... Any way you want it, a nap or a little siesta is welcome!

If you are going to a place where the temperatures are high and the sun can burn your skin, it is recommended not to stay in the middle of a scorcher... It's up to you, but it's not really the best thing to do. Even if you are covered in sun cream, sleeping in the full sun can be risky…
Take the opportunity to stay in the shade and take a break, while waiting for the sun to be less powerful… Whatever the case, choose a calm and comfortable place with an ambient, bearable temperature. For an outdoor siesta, get some shade and choose your spot wisely, because that's often when insects can take a liking to you... You don’t want tickles, annoyances, buzzes in your ears or worse!

The ideal time to take our nap is between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. just after lunch…. Yes, our digestion cycle demands it! Who has never felt a wave of tiredness just after lunch? Take the opportunity to satisfy your need for a nap, it's the holidays!! However, be careful not to move your nap to later in the afternoon as this could disturb your internal biological clock and sleep cycles.

How long?
To benefit from a feeling of well-being, the ideal is not to exceed a nap of 20 to 30 minutes. Beyond that, you risk entering a sleep cycle with the risk of waking up with the brain in slow motion.
To avoid feeling tired when you wake up, try not to sleep in complete darkness, as your internal clock may not understand what is happening to it... Choose a place with natural light filtered by curtains or if you are outdoors, your sunglasses will do the trick.

For those who are in a relationship, or even in a throuple (that does not concern us), take advantage of this moment since you have time. We are talking about having a naughty nap! For some, it helps break the routine. For others, it can create an atmosphere which is  conducive to completely letting go... This kind of nap obviously has no time limit. It can be practiced as you want, where you want and above all without any moderation. Remember to hydrate yourself anyway... For the rest, let yourself go with abandon!

The purpose of a nap is to enjoy the rest and relaxation it provides, so treat yourself and enjoy this moment of fulfilment without taboos... A nap is not for the lazy! It is made for those who know how to take time for themselves and is restorative, so lie back and enjoy!