Let's Spend The Summer Together on Womensdestiny!

All our editorial advice for a successful summer

Summer is usually the time of year with the highest temperatures and the longest days. It usually takes place between the months of June and September in the northern hemisphere, and between December and March in the southern hemisphere.

To have a truly great summer, follow the advice of our editorial staff!
Here is our summer dossier: discover the complete list of summer-themed articles to read on Womensdestiny.

For more ideas, see our article: What to do during the summer holidays

During the summer season, people often take advantage of the good weather by spending time outdoors, it's la Dolce Vita. Popular summer activities include swimming, sunbathing, (and by the way, the sun: friend or foe?) not to mention picnics, barbecues, outdoor festivals, hiking and of course, holidays.

Our travel section will allow you to discover opportunities for your holidays in order to take advantage of the best deals.
Great ideas for distance travel and cheap holidays: For cheap stays alone, as a couple, with family or friends, here are our great travel ideas.
It is also a time when many children and students are on school vacation, allowing them to rest and relax after a busy academic year. Families often take the opportunity to go on vacation together or to organize special activities.
The summer season is also associated with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, such as strawberries, cherries, melons, tomatoes, and cucumbers, which are harvested at this time of year. It is common to find farmers markets and outdoor fruit and vegetable stalls during the summer.

Our nutrition section informs you of the benefits of summer fruits to consume without moderation:

However, the excessive heat of the summer season can sometimes be uncomfortable, especially in areas where temperatures rise significantly. Sun protection measures, such as the use of sunscreen, hats and light clothing, are often recommended to protect against the harmful effects of the sun.

And YES, protecting yourself seems to be essential, let's take stock with our complete articles:
Need some sun: It's summer, we all want a breath of fresh air and sunshine! 

In conclusion, the summer season is a time of the year when people enjoy good weather and outdoor activities. It's a great time to relax, spend time with family and friends, and enjoy nature.