Horoscope 2024
In 2024, will the stars be favorable for your ast...
See more20 April
20 May
Neither the Moon nor Mercury will stimulate you. Moreover, these two planets will form an opposition, which will cause some ups and downs. If you are in a relationship, you will refuse to get angry over small trifling matters, and you will decide to see the positive side of everything, enough to even confuse your partner. For singles, it's over, loneliness is no longer for you. Operation charm and seduction are on the agenda!
This will be the time to put yourself forward and reap the fruits of your labors! Taurus, you will feel overwhelmed with many responsibilities. The fresh winds of modernity will blow through your sign and you will give 100%, right up until the end of the month. You will have unfailing energy and those who thought you were out of the loop, will just have to behave themselves!
You will have unusual desires this month. Fortunately, Uranus and Pluto work together and will help you contain your emotional outbursts and regain your calm. You will just feel the blues in a temporary way.
Still under the influence of Uranus, you can expect unforeseen events. You are relatively hard working and honest. it is certainly one of the assets of Taurus.
You were born with the ability to change someone's life, don't waste it.