Monthly Horoscope

Libra : What do the stars have in store for you?

23 September


23 October

Love life

If you are in a relationship. under the influence of Pluto, you will have a fairly precise idea of where you want to go together, without necessarily taking the point of view of your other half into consideration. Singles, you are in mode: I want to, I don't want to anymore, I'm going, I'm not going, it's good, it's not good, yes no…. It will be difficult to follow you. Your safeguard will be your intuition, trust it, it will not betray you.

At work

Demanding Libra, oh yes! But also passionate and frank. The tensions will be palpable with some of your colleagues during the third week of the month. Take a step back, so your words do not overtake your thoughts. The best thing is to take a step back and think, so as not to act in haste... Stay fair!


Consider plants, osteopaths, even homeopathy, they may well prevent or cure some minor ailments.

Your trump cards, or not

You no longer systematically push deadlines onto the next day and it's so much more comfortable that way!

Lucky number


Quote of the Month

An' there's never a bush or a plant or a tree, but somebody loved it of old. An' the souls of the angels come talkin' to me through the petals of crimson an' gold.

Edgar A Guest
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