Monthly Horoscope

Pisces : What do the stars have in store for you?

20 February


20 March

Love life

Whether you are in a relationship or single, you will take a giant step forwards. Happiness will be within reach, or even already present, for some natives. Mercury will pass through the zenith of your zodiac sign around the 18th, so don't hesitate to turn an important page, no matter what. You will be freed from a certain burden... and you will be able to move on. Dates, rekindling the flames or a new relationship, it's up to you to play to win, Pisces!

At work

At work, you will achieve your goals without any difficulty. There could be a promotion or an evolution in the air! For those who are looking for a job, Jupiter present in your astral sky from mid-February, can help you find a job that you like.


Watch your lower back, avoid any sport that is too violent or too many movements when handling things. Above all, remember to stretch. Pamper yourself a little!

Your trump cards, or not

You have the gift of asking the right questions in life. Remember to show gratitude.

Lucky number


Quote of the Month

I began to develop my angel connection very, very, slowly. I wish I could tell you I welcomed it. In reality, I fought it tooth and nail.

Kathy Mursch
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