Consult your 2024 astral horoscope forecast, to find out what the stars have in store for you for the year: love, work, wellness and more.
All your 2024 astrological predictions for every sign and all the surprises that await you.
Our astrologer has charted the astral path for every sign and tells you everything about you and your year of 2024.
What are your chances in love this year?
Will the stars help you to shine in your work?
Are you going to experience changes in your personal life?
To better understand the influences of the planets on your life and to know
what the stars have in store for you for 2024, simply click on your zodiac sign.
Sagittarius : Will the planets be on your side?
23 November
22 December
You should feel pretty happy and at one with yourself as the new year approaches, with the Sun shining merrily in your sign.
With Venus in your sign from the beginning of January, you should look forward to a loving, if not passionate start to 2024! You also have amazing opportunities to change your job, get a promotion or make a desired change to your role. Helping others in one way or another will bring especially lucky rays from the planet Jupiter, who shines in your work and career sector from the beginning of 2024 and continues to shine there until May 25th! When Mercury, the planet of communication, comes out its retrograde in your sign on January 1st, you get extra special chances to explain yourself clearly and ask for what you want. This is pretty fortunate, as on January 20th, when Pluto makes a giant shift into Aquarius, it is your communication sector that it will affect for the next 20 years. Whether you just want to use this to enhance areas of your life by talking things through or want to work in the media or a communications-related role, get thinking about what you want to ask for during 2024 and prepare for clear communication at last!
In 2024 you can expect great opportunities to heal your love life, with Venus blowing in warm vibes in your favor! Single Sagittarians can expect dates to warm up those cold winter nights, and those of you in a relationship can look forward to a renewal of your relationship. As highlighted above, communication is an important factor during the whole beginning of 2024 and beyond, so being clear about what you want in love and what you don’t want can get you excellent results. All in all, your love life should get a surge forward during 2024. Relax and enjoy! A Full Moon in your sign on May 25th can turn your love life around, so make sure you use this to your advantage!
The further you can look into the past, the further you will see into the future.