Astrology is probably the oldest tool of knowledge in human history.
Your astrological sign comes from your date of birth, more precisely it is determined by the constellation of the zodiac in which the sun appears (as seen from the earth) at the time of your birth. It allows us to define parts of the character of each person.
Remember that the characteristics listed for each astrological sign are general traits that may not apply to everyone. Also, do not be surprised to find qualities, faults and behaviours that are unlike your own.
Click on your astrological sign:
Aries: Your main character traits
21 March
19 April
1st sign of the zodiac, the Aries woman will certainly be in her element from the spring equinox onwards.
Natives of the sign of Aries will have to learn to cultivate consistency, as well as patience, in order to control their impulsive characters.
This sign attaches great importance to love, and the Aries woman will experience this with great intensity, in both her affectionate and emotional aspects.
She is easily carried away by passion and does not lack imagination. The Aries woman will be able to adapt to change throughout her life. With you, there are no half measures, you are able to see far ahead.
After adolescence, the Aries woman will have to take the time to properly channel her energies, otherwise her life will feel like a roller coaster. Often very independent, do not try to restrain her.
Her destiny is generally marked by stability. Her professional and material success will be carefully pursued, which will ensure her a comfortable prosperity.
The Aries woman draws her fiery energy from Mars, which encourages her to assert herself and to distinguish herself from others: I think, therefore I act.
Pragmatic in business and possessive in love, the Aries woman acts, to conquer her individuality. A true director and actress in her life, Aries women prefer to direct themselves than to be directed by others.
Sensitive, she expects protection and affection from her man. The Aries woman is an unconditional romantic.