Autumn 2023 begins at the Autumn Equinox on September 23rd. During the whole of the fall, the energies will shift, allowing you to experience new phases in your life and to sort out past problems. It’s an exciting time, so find out which star signs will come out shining, what will happen for you personally, and which dates will be important for you. It’s all in our specially written autumn horoscopes for every star sign!
Your Autumn Horoscope is here!
Pisces, what do the stars have in store for you?
20 February
20 March
You should breathe a huge sigh of relief when the autumnal winds blow in this year, Pisces, and you will understand why in just a moment. To begin with, for most of the year, Saturn, the karmic planet of order and disorder, has been ploughing its way through your sign in retrograde, making you revisit old pastures that you thought had been dealt with. It has probably felt like a long and rather tedious journey! But now, this autumn of 2023 will bring in new and brighter energy for you. On October 12th , Mars the planet of drive, enters Scorpio, your sister water sign. This is an interesting time to make progress with friendships or participate in group ventures.
October 16th offers you a potentially lucky day, where Jupiter, the planet of luck makes karmic waves with your sign. On October 23rd the Sun enters Scorpio and now you start to feel in your element. This is a time of expansion and learning experiences and travel are particularly favoured.
On November 4th Saturn comes out of a long retrograde and goes direct in your sign, at last. Slowly but surely, it will feel like any final weights are lifting. A New Moon in Scorpio on November 13th brings you the chance for new opportunities. So, Pisces, all in all this autumn is set to be an interesting one with lots of action!
The period from 3rd September to October 12th may be key for Pisceans in relationships. This is an ideal time to sort out issues about sex and money! Applying yourself at this time can lead to success. For single Pisces, most of autumn, starting from October 12th can be fruitful. Make sure you get out and about, go to classes or participate in activities as part of a group, to ensure you meet the likeminded people your heart needs. You could well have a pleasant surprise in store!
Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in flowers we more than gain in fruits.