What Is The Alchemy Of Love?

Is this mysterious, disturbing, euphoric and uncontrollable feeling, only a chemical reaction as so many experts claim?

The alchemy of love: this intense desire and the feeling of bliss that has come over you since your first meeting and makes you an accomplice. This mysterious feeling which is disturbing, euphoric and uncontrollable. Maybe it saved your life when you were on the verge of giving up, like Audrey, 35, who experienced the pain of separation after 7 years in a relationship. It is through her moving story that we answer this question: what is the alchemy of love? Is it just a chemical reaction as many experts say? Or is it a deep feeling caused by Karma, so that two people can meet?

Alchemy: a sudden explosion of sensations that cannot be controlled
"It was my birthday and my friends had decided to invite me to dinner at the hippest restaurant in the city to celebrate my day, to break the loneliness and isolation that I have been feeling for a while.”
“I hated that day when I realized that my partner, whom I had trusted, had been cheating on me for over a year. I did everything I could to forget that day: I was running away, I cut off all contact with the world ... My trust in other people had completely disappeared, I was destroyed. But back to that day, in this famous trendy restaurant! There he was, sitting at another table, discreet and a little awkward in his movements. Our eyes suddenly crossed, followed by a slight smile, which became incresaingly visible and spread across his face. Then, an emotion overwhelmed me, my heart gave a flutter, my cheeks became delicately flushed, I had a knot in my throat, a heat came from nowhere and took over my body. I understood very quickly that the power of seduction was much stronger than that of loneliness. We exchanged glances, he looked at me and showed me his smile, I sometimes turned away so that he wouldn’t notice me looking at him. Driven by a surprising surge of audacity, I ended up smiling at hom too."

A feeling had suddenly occurred between them. Subconsciously, they could not control themselves. They did not suspect it was the beginning of a bigger story. Their attraction to each other was overwhelming.

Alchemy: a feeling that obscures any judgment.
"During our relationship, I often asked myself the question, what made us find each other? He was not supposed to be there, and neither was I. How could this have happened like this?”

“I was awkward, as if it was the first time. And yet, he found that my faults were qualities and this was reciprocal.” When a couple experiences alchemy, the opinion they have of each other becomes different and their judgment changes. "This impression he had of me pushed me to accept myself and to love everything that emanated from him." A couple experiencing the alchemy of love simple adore one another, it even happens that smells play a large role in the equation of love. It is easy to be overcome by the memory of a loved one as soon as you smell their perfume in the street (which others find unpleasant), we love their breath in the morning, their style of dress ...

Love makes us blind; we are often told this.

Is alchemy the key to eternal love?
Many people say that if there is no alchemy in a relationship, it is because the relationship is not meant to last, or that the chemistry lasts only three years. In some people, the alchemy refers to a beautiful story, that of the emerging love, hence the appearance of the feeling of desire when love sets you on fire, as was the case for Audrey: "I was missing something in my life, this meeting filled a void that led me to heal and mourn my old relationship. We are so attentive to each other, we maintain our relationship, that's what makes our relationship last."

When the addiction to each other settles down in a relationship, the feeling of pleasure gradually fades and life becomes morose. A good relationship needs to be supported and well maintained, like a small garden. This is why today, many couples still manage to keep a good complicity together.

A Persian mystic poet sums up the story of what could make us miss out on any love story, very well.

"Your task is not to seek love, but simply to seek and find all the obstacles you have built against love" - Rumi