Tantrism: The Practice That Everybody's Talking About

When spiritual awakening opens the doors of pleasures

The word tantra is composed of two Sanskrit words "tanoti" meaning "expansion" and "trayati" meaning "liberation." This therefore refers to "the science of the expansion of consciousness and the release of energy." Just like the Kamasutra, Tantra is based on the principle that the body and mind are inseparable. It is therefore a practice of spiritual awakening, which includes access to physical pleasure.
As we shall see, this practice includes breathing techniques and postures for channeling the sexual energy known as "kundalini". In this philosophy, the ultimate goal of sex, is to achieve the fusion of male and female principles. Kundalini Shakti is the name given to this vital and fundamental energy, it animates all levels of energy, be that individual to a person or universal energy. Kundalini means "coiled". This energy, present in the individual person, is symbolized in the form of a snake lying in the energy center of the base chakra, at the bottom of the spine.
This snake is said to be coiled three and a half times around a black Lingam (the Svayambhu Lingam), his head resting asleep on the top of the lingam. The practice of sacred sexuality participates in the inner transformation that can lead to enlightenment. 

Tantric sex has its roots in a multitude of writings of northern India from the seventh century. Its main thrust is the Tantra (of the God Shiva) which is traditionally transmitted by women; "the yogini" practicing yoga. Tantras are texts that are intended to be a continuation of the Vedas. The Vedas are liturgies and ritualistic formulas that appear in India between 1500-1000 BC and possibly go back to even more ancient traditions. They were not transcribed before the eighth century BC. Tantra present themselves as the ultimate teachings, offering great knowledge of the world and the most advanced practices in the field of spirituality. Tantra has always existed in all cultures (medieval alchemy, Arab love songs, courtly love of the troubadours) but its peak was the tenth and the twelfth century in India. In the West, the arrival of Eastern spiritual practices in the second half of the twentieth century led to the discovery of meditation and yoga and of this type of sexuality. One of Tantra's goals is to develop and channel the energy that lies dormant within us. The sexual act, called the "Maithuna" is one option that is on offer to experience this energy. Tantra allows sexuality to be integrated within a spiritual context.

Tantric sexuality is based on an ancient Indian philosophy. This philosophy, Tantra, is in essence based on the opposition between the feminine and the masculine. Tantra is thus defined as the search for the fusion of the masculine/feminine opposition, to achieve a higher level of consciousness. In this sense, sexuality is one of the steps leading us to this higher level. Tantric yoga is a practice which allows the integration of the masculine and feminine principles to achieve this altered state of consciousness.
Tantric yoga is sex
The approach to sexuality in Tantric yoga opens up new visions and opportunities for new experiences. The spiritual path of Tantra is similar to that of the Tao, allowing things to be as they are, letting the cosmic currents carry the individual at their will. 
Tantric yoga is a way to overcome sexuality domination by sexual action and the race to orgasm, in order to submit to more of a mystical experience. This powerful technique allows the development of sexual energy, to allow this energy to circulate in the body and conduct orgasmic surges to the brain. 
With this technique it is possible experience unique moments of sexuality, where the individual is connected to the cosmos. Learn more and get started in Tantric practice here.