Let's Say Stop to Anxiety!

Anxiety, and what if living in the present moment was the key to happiness?

While it is normal for some people to feel nervous as an important event or life changes approach, for others, these moments will bring up signs of anxiety, anguish or even stress.
Living with an anxiety disorder globally and synthetically represents a worry or fear from time to time.
Divided into two groups, anxiety disorders can be either a generalized anxiety disorder, which presents itself as an intense and uncontrollable worry, or a panic disorder, which is often accompanied by heart palpitations, tremors or even difficulty breathing.
Envisioning the future, causing partially consistent anxiety, has been the subject of many discussions, and it is highly disabling.

What would it be like to do it differently?
Our subconscious plays a major role in all of our emotions, leaving plenty of room for fears, anguish, and above all uncertainty, thus promoting anxiety. Doing things differently might be easier said than done, so, let's take a look at one of the solutions that has worked for thousands of people.

I decided to live just for today
Many books on working on living in the moment have been a great help to many people, a much more spiritual view of things that has also improved the lives of many anxious people.
For many doctors, anxiety is often synonymous with depression, where chemical support has found its place. Europe nevertheless remains the first consumer of antidepressants, which have nothing miraculous about them, yet it has been proven that they were distributed... prescribed, and the "prescriptions" handed out, without leaving room for free will and alternative solutions.

If half measures haven't worked for you and you find yourself at a turning point in your life, then it's high time to take some action.
Faced with these measures, many people have been able to find an easier and gentler method, but with all of our ardour, we suggest that you have no fear.
Let us assure you that until now no one can get out of a certain discomfort and resolve their fears on their own.
Learning to live just for today is very comfortable, it does not mean having no more plans. On the contrary, it is to measure the importance of what is achievable, without having real projections.
Living in the present moment is lifesaving, in the sense that worrying about results does not belong to us…. Simplistic you say?
Realistic, especially as we are often far too often dependent on time; we would like to change our past and improve our future. Just try for a second to want to change your past or visualize yourself in the near future with a different life…and what happens? My friend anxiety comes back with her string of fears and anguishes, right? 
We therefore agree that living just in the present moment, just for today, savoring every moment of our lives, will be much easier on us emotionally.
All you have to do is find the method that suits you best, from the 4 Toltec agreements, to the power of the present moment, to anonymous support groups accompanied by their American program in twelve steps, from NLP, to sophrology, using yoga, in meditation, you will notice that the climax will remain the whole story of the moment of the present moment.
In my opinion, learning to live in the present moment is undoubtedly the key to happiness, where transient or omnipresent anxiety no longer finds its place.
I wish you a good journey, in search of wisdom and filled with beautiful present moments, in the here and now.