Learning To Relax

Relaxation: an inexhaustible source of well-being and fulfillment. Inhale, breathe, relax!

Breathe, relax!
Need to relax? To take time for yourself? Need to learn how to manage your stress?

Relaxation; an inexhaustible source of well-being and of fulfillment.
Womensdestiny gives you an appointment to have a break, enjoy a change of scenery, a moment of serenity and well-being.

Good to know, what is relaxation?
This discipline is experienced both with the mind and with the body. It requires daily practice. This training is accessible to everyone: it does not require any particular physical or intellectual ability, nor it does require any special equipment or clothing.
Once the basics have been acquired, everyone becomes an independent actor of the changes to their existence.
Relaxation is a daily and natural action. Relaxation comes from the Latin relaxatio “liberation” in the sense of “freeing oneself from one's shackles”.
It is a technique whose practice can bring harmony between the mind and the body through physical, mental and/or muscular relaxation. It is a word widely used in everyday language.
In the 19th century, to relax meant any active process of psycho-bodily relaxation and by popular extension, all kinds of states of relaxation.
We note however that in our current societies, this method of well-being is more and more commonplace.

Relaxation: how, for whom and for what?
Relaxation but also de-stressing, meditation, stress management, harmonization, regulation of emotions… there are so many terms, all of which carry within them a unique and essential concept.
If your daily life subjects you to hectic rhythms, to times of stress, you had better take advantage of rapid relaxation techniques!
Relaxation is for anyone determined to better cope with the demands of the professional and social world, stress, and sometimes difficult working and family conditions.

Relaxation is an aid in the face of a multitude of very varied disorders (general well-being, fatigue, stress, depression, pain, insomnia, eating disorders, etc.)

The benefits:
Relaxation courses aim to relax the body in several ways, muscularly, psychically, and physiologically to achieve total harmonization.
Relaxation is the art of sitting or lying down, of relating to oneself, of reconnecting with one's body, but also one's emotions, thoughts and beliefs. This state of relaxation and calm (in sophrology it is known as the sophro-liminal threshold) makes it possible to feel and to experience positive and pleasant sensations, in order to re-harmonize the link between mind and body.
The state of relaxation (muscular and mental) displays brain cycles called "alpha waves" (as opposed to beta waves-waking state and theta-sleeping state).

The different techniques:
- breathing
- massages
- self hypnosis
- Vittoz method
- autogenic training from Schultz
- reflexology
- progressive Jacobson relaxation
- Korean relaxation

The advice from Womensdestiny:

Echkart Tolle gives us a secret here: how to transform from the inside, to experience inner peace, the past, the future does not exist, only the PRESENT is Life. Find the teaching of Echkart Tolle on the net.

We recommend the relaxing reading: “The power of the present moment” (Soft voice and relaxation music) directly on YouTube.

“Western knowledge has been trying for 25 centuries to see the world. It did not understand that the world does not look at itself, it just gets along. It does not read, it listens to itself ”(Jacques Attali, Bruits)