
The power of being grateful

Nathalie B. has a very inspiring story. Formerly incredibly shy, she managed to transform her personal challenges to become one of the most inspiring Coaches in personal development.

Womensdestiny: Do you think that gratitude remains in a universe of beliefs?
It's an interesting question, especially since my intimate conviction is that we are surrounded by beliefs. Our outer reality is a projection of our inner reality. We live according to our beliefs and our conditioning (family, culturally, etc.). I like to say that the mind must absolutely free itself from conditioning, to finally be free and thus give way to gratitude.

Womensdestiny: How can people change this universe of false beliefs?
To change your life, you have to think about changing your interior.
The practice of gratitude is a powerful element, to grow flowers from a seed that has been planted.
We can then quite easily understand that if we dwell on dark thoughts, we feed jealousy, resentment, anger etc. and then we find ourselves leading a dull and sad life, I would even say a futile life, where self-esteem and self-confidence seem to fly away from us with every step we take.
Conversely, if we cultivate recognition while showing gratitude, like the joy of living, positive and inspiring ideas, then life smiles upon us and everything becomes possible. Our path takes on another much more joyful reality.

You have the choice to live a tailor-made life, as Nathalie invites us to do through yourself, helped by different philosophical readings, such as "Towards the inner revolution" by Krishnamurti or James Redfield's novel "The Prophecy of the Andes".

Changing yourself to change the world is easy to understand in theory, it's more complicated to put into practice and to experience on a daily basis.
To be grateful and show gratitude on a daily basis, I like to advise making a daily list of all the positive factors during a day. It's an excellent start and very life-saving, especially when the day didn't go as we expected.
To perceive each day through observation and in each experience, certainly remains a spiritual principle, but it teaches us to live according to our experience and not by received wisdom.