Do You Really Have To Fulfil Your Fantasies?

Should we keep unfulfilled desires without ever creating a drama on the register?

A question that inevitably torments us one day or another!
Fantasy is an imaginary representation, which reflects our conscious desires in a greater or lesser way. It concerns all of us in different ways and in all areas of our lives.
When we talk about fantasies, of course, most of you will immediately think about sex, and you are right to do so.
Fantasizing is no small thing. It has been proven that people who have a drop in desire are the same as those who do not fantasize much.
Yes! Women and men who fantasize have a more fulfilling sex life.

After a few years, a couple can run out of steam in their intimacy, and the desire can fade. Fantasy can then help boost your libido and make you rebuild a more intense sex life. For single people, it can also be used during masturbation. Developing your imagination by creating fantasies is therefore beneficial for our sexuality.

Do you really have to fulfill your fantasies?
Very titillating for couples, whose desire is flagging, fantasy can very quickly become difficult  to control.
To answer this question, you must already know why you want to realize this fantasy:

  • Because it must be understood that a fantasy can be "soft" or more "hard," achievable or not achievable.
  • Is this a fantasy that you have had in mind for a long time?
  • Is it a fantasy proposed by my partner or is it a shared fantasy?
  • Is it feasible or is it too complex?
  • Will it jeopardize your relationship?

Many women fantasize about spending the night with Brad Pitt, but let's be realistic, do not take your fantasies for realities. Beware of frustration...
If you want to make love in a more exotic way, but you are in a private or isolated place, with your partner and with his agreement, your fantasies are achievable, then go for it!
It could be a powerful stimulant and will increase your desire and pleasure for both of you.

Know how to be optimistic but realistic
However, if your imagination leads you to more risky ideas, such as candaulism, pegging, or fetishes, etc,  you will really have to discuss this with your partner because you will need to think carefully and of course, other questions will have to be taken into consideration…
Fantasies can spice up the sexual imagination and be stimulating during masturbation. Some people think it's important to try to fulfil your fantasies as much as possible. However, we must remain vigilant.

You should know that when you fulfill a fantasy, it often loses its luster, the fantasy is an ideal, so very often the reality is quite different. Theory is different from the practice...

So, should you realize your fantasies?
Some fantasies can bring fantasy and novelty to sexuality.