Green? Yes Above All, it Means Being Responsible

Being green is not enough, above all, we need to be responsible! Here is how to become an eco-responsible citizen

Green? Yes… but above all, responsible
Today, you are aware of the dangers for our planet and many of you have learned to make some green gestures. But knowing them is not enough, you have to be aware of them and bear the weight of responsibility to have a sustainable ecology. Here's how to become an eco-responsible citizen.

Ghandi said: "live simply, so that others can simply live."

Today, ecological responsibility on the increase, with more and more of us participating. In fact, as well as its social and environmental aspects, responsible ecology is an ethic. Being green is not enough, above all, we all need to be responsible. Ecology also goes hand in hand with responsibility. Becoming an eco-responsible citizen means taking actions that will avoid the further degredation of the four major challenges facing the planet, namely: the fight against pollution, the preservation of biodiversity, the climate challenge, the technoscientific challenge and the fight against the depletion of non-renewable resources.

But what are the actions to become eco responsible?
Promote energy efficiency
Build or renovate a home while thinking of using recyclable energies to power your home. When painting your home, use acrylic paint rather than glycerophthalic paints, this will enable you not to use solvents which are pollutants for the air and water. Avoid air conditioning. Check the waterproofing of the windows, ensure good insulation by blocking all the cold air inlets. Replace old structures that are obsolete and replace the old boilers with condensing boilers that will allow you to save 40% of your energy. Energy efficiency is certainly a step that we can all take in our daily lives.
Outdoor activities
Obviously this promotes the health of the whole family. This ecological gesture will be of benefit for children who have behavioral problems due, for example, to video game or mobile phone addiction. In addition, an outdoor activity allows you to act responsibly just like a reflex, such as using reusable water bottles, the production of zero waste at mealtimes, travel other than in a vehicle, equipping yourself with certified fair trade equipment that has a long lifespan, and finally, avoiding damaging trees and plants.
Encourage the local market
By investing your money in the purchase of local products such as buying seasonal products, which are also preferably organic,  from small producers, you will participate in and discover the community. Every time you take out your wallet, go and buy from local enterprises, instead of going to foreign companies, which do not necessarily have ecological principles.
Green or ecological rehabilitation
This helps restore the regeneration of the ecosystem by raising awareness of our surroundings, our family, our neighborhood or even our children's schoolyards, for the sake of ecology. For example, you can plant trees (hazelnut, apricot, etc.) in your garden, which will provide the community with something to eat in the long term. Look to make your own compost, and think about you and your family's carbon footprint. It's easy to get into ecology with clothing, footwear and much more. See our aticle on being eco-stylish for further tips.
Community involvement
Many green associations look for volunteers in their community and offer activities such as cleaning up neighborhoods, streams or beaches. Through this gesture, people become aware of the importance of preserving the ecosystem but also avoid the creation of conflicts and reduce the possibility of an economic crisis. When a community supports community resilience, it will ensure that humanity can survive conflict after a natural disaster.

All of these actions will allow you to achieve a better future for future generations.