I'm Going Green ...

How can you reduce your carbon footprint?

The 4 R rule?

Reduce: we all know that we sometimes buy completely useless gadgets!

Reuse: Many objects and materials we have in our home can be reused, like a water bottle that we can refill instead of throwing it away in the trash. (Down with waste!)

Repair: Let's face it, we're just lazy! Now just shout “OK GOOGLE” and the job is already done!

Recycle: Last, and not least: Give a second life to an object whenever it is possible.

Slow life, or how to reduce your ecological footprint?
Become aware of our environmental impact through our consumption and lifestyle.
Even if your brand new product is SUPER green, the fact remains that it required resources for its production and will still experience end-of-life waste!
Do not forget that each purchase contributes to enhancing this production. The more we buy whatever it is, the more it is produced, this is the basis of the law of supply and demand.

Now think of Nutella (which we don't pretend to buy! ... it's so good ...), which destroys the ecological niche of many animals, because of the cultivation of palms. Let's think about our dear orangutans!

Reduce your meat consumption!
Livestock encourage deforestation and intensive agriculture (used to feed livestock). in South America, the majority of the deforestation is due to cattle farming for meat consumption!
We can therefore now reduce our consumption, given that meat provides obvious proteins, but without abusing it. Eating meat every day is not recommended by our dietitian! 3 times a week is apparently sufficient.

Let's keep Piglet alive!

Let's give preference to seasonal fruits and vegetables!
Autumn: Artichoke, broccoli, carrot, pepper, plum ...
Winter: Beetroot, cabbage, pumpkin, pear, apple ...
Spring: Radish, spinach, asparagus, broad bean, orange, lemon ...
Summer: Tomato, lettuce, corn, cherry, strawberry, fig, rhubarb ...

Buy Organic?
Let's not be careless, even if the ORGANIC label is on our product, all crops share the same soil. Get to know about organic food!!
A field of Organic label potatoes draws its mineral salts and water from soil that has probably been used for beet farming, which has been plagued by pesticides and additives (phosphorus, nitrogen and everything else).
Yes indeed, these infiltrate into the water sources because of washout, due to the overflow of fertilisers, which, instead of being taken by the plant,  are absorbed into the soil particles (colloids) and are found in groundwater. This is then contaminated!

And yes, all soils are used in continuity!
But let's be hopeful, it is still more advantageous to consume ORGANIC than non-ORGANIC! Our food is still less contaminated.

Zero waste to show off!

•    Let's abandon plastic cutlery ... and what's more, it's more chic to do so.
•    Paper towels? We opt for beautiful fabric napkins (a cute little bonus if adorning them with a personalized napkin ring).
•    Replace paper towels with rags made from your old clothes.
•    Our disposable razors (which wear out much too quickly by the way), let's awap them for a stainless steel razor.
•    And cotton wool pads… We have a solution… it is possible to swap them in exchange for washable cotton discs!

To finish off…A little idea to cook up!
Acacia flower donut ... (Eating flowers is to your credit)
Simple to be confused!
All you need to do is make a donut dough and dip your flowers in the preparation ... A little deep fryer and you're done!
I admit for the Healthy aspect it's not the BEST!

Many other small techniques are easy to implement:
Turn off the lights when you go out, such a simple gesture. Be careful, forgetfulness is commonplace!
Or wrap up the meals of the day before to avoid the scourge of our society: WASTE.

Hate your waste! By having as little packaging as possible (goodbye single servings!)

You are now up to speed with everything in this bulletin!