Find out what influence numerology has on your personality.
Numerology seems to be a means of “decoding” the mysteries of life, and even of “pre-seeing” them.
Here, you will discover what your personal year is, what it has in store for you and thus be able to understand what can happen for you.
Life cycles are based on 9-year periods. Each year from January 1st to December 31st, our numerological configuration is crossed by the energetic vibration of a particular number, which is calculated from your birth date, plus the energy of the current year.
The Personal Year is one of the biggest influences you will have to deal with throughout the year. Each year brings us a quantum of energy to help us prepare for it at the highest level and in its specific areas.
This number tells you the general mood of your new year, as well as its strengths and the directions you can take.
Here, Womensdestiny offers you a powerful tool that will help you to use your free will to your best advantage. Knowing about your personal year will allow you to shed light on the choices you have and the reactions of those around you.
Take advantage of this sublime opportunity and discover your Personal Year now!
Calculate your personal year:

Result of your Personal Year
Your key number is 1
Here are your predictions for this year:
This is a brand-new start for you! Last year you completed a 9-year cycle. This is the year when you will make new friends more easily and improve your relationships with others. This is a time when you will need to share your feelings and daily experiences that you consider to be important.
Emotional tensions are to be expected because, in the first part of the year, you will go through a difficult period. On the other hand, new empathies and relationships will warm your heart as the year progresses. You will most likely have let go of certain people and circumstances in your life and now is the time to plant your seeds and embark on new adventures.
You now find yourself at the beginning of a full nine-year cycle of your life. If, in the middle of the year, your business or your relations experience a delicate evolution, or if conflicts arise, take the opinion of those around you into account, because you will tend to have impulsive reactions, or you will have impression that everything is settled when it actually is not. You risk neglecting certain aspects of your professional life.
Be vigilant during this year and be patient. A new 9-year cycle is beginning, so it’s time to think ahead. Think long term and focus on your real dreams and desires. Think investments that will take you into, even beyond this next cycle that is beginning now. Where do you want to go to next and what do you want to achieve?
Your key number is 2
Here are your predictions for this year:
In all areas of your life where you have been pushed into second place, you will want to take your power back. You deserve only the best!
In its symbolism, the number 2 represents love and femininity, it is therefore the ideal year for stability in love by maintaining your position. During the first period of this year, you will experience some very pleasant moments. A few misunderstandings are to be expected during the year, but nothing too serious. This is a year where your evolution in love can continue. Know this and feel confident on your path to love this year.
You can count on a lot of support throughout this year. This is the time to call on your friends or loved ones to help you carry out your desired projects. Now is the time to act and be bold! Now is not the time to wait around and think about things, it's time to get things done! Without change, we stagnate. Some changes will happen suddenly and unexpectedly, while others will be initiated by your own efforts. Expect the unexpected. Be prepared for anything.
You will have a tendency to spend your money on your social life during the last few months of the year, when it would be wiser to save. Throughout the year, you have extremely high standards and strive to be the first in everything you do.
Your key number is 3
Here are your predictions for this year:
You will be divinely inspired and have great physical energy, communication skills and many talents.
Although you are faithful in your affections and your feelings, you will be rather undemonstrative this year. One of the biggest mistakes you could make could be to give up on someone before you've had the chance to experience them in a full state of freedom. The universe will be very lenient with you in love. You will finally meet someone who may well change your life. But everything depends on you and your choices.
At some point during the year, perhaps early on, you will feel a deep need – a powerful urge – for more freedom and spontaneity in your life. You will be ambitious and want to improve your comfort and your professional life, from all points of view. Go for it because your strengths will be recognized. You will be listened to, and people will be keen to go in the direction of your projects.
Finances will be good, because you will combine intuition and practicality, which will allow you to spontaneously feel where your true interests lie. Above all, you are looking for more stability in your business and in your professional life.
Your key number is 4
Here are your predictions for this year:
Relax and feel the freedom that exists within you, regardless of your outside situation. This powerful feeling will help you change your outer circumstances throughout the year.
If you are in a relationship, there is perfect harmony this year. Feelings will be real, deep and genuine and you will support each other well. This is the year for all kinds of projects and if they are carefully thought out, they will undoubtedly come to fruition in year 5. If you are single, you will be stimulated by one or more encounters that will bring a lot to you, and will allow you to envision the future in a new and original way. Try to open up your heart more, don't get defensive and don't take steps backwards simply because there is a slight annoyance.
The square within the square of the year 4 pushes perfectionism, so this is the ideal year to make things happen for yourself professionally. For the most ambitious, this year can make you want to liberate yourself by opening your business... Going for it in a year 4 will require thoroughness and commitment, of course, but it remains the year of making things happen, materially speaking.
Certain reversals of situations will happen, which will transform the normal course of your life in terms of work. During this year, beneficial changes will lead to promotion and advancement.
Consider the right contacts that will provide you with new opportunities to significantly increase your income. Be careful though, there is no need to repeat the same mistakes. On the contrary, this is the year to bring stability for yourself, as there will be the risk of sudden changes in year 5.
Your key number is 5
Here are your predictions for this year:
Take the leap, take risks, do new things, challenge yourself, dare to win! In short, live, don't just "survive" or "keep on living". This year, you must rediscover the flame within you, the one that once burned and illuminated everything in its path.
You will continue your relationship with your life partner under mildly stressful circumstances. In the last part of the year, the problems in your relationship will be solved and the love will grow. This year will be conducive to peace, to love. This can manifest itself in you getting closer with your partner or, if you are single, in new encounters. Singles, remember this is a year to do new things and the energy is favourable, so get out there and do your thing!
You will feel the very justifiable need to improve yourself. For you, the key attitude of this year will be to grasp life with both hands, and in the fastest possible way. Because you are learning to assert your will, you may appear more sure of yourself than you really are and come across as being bossy and/or arrogant. Either that, or you might even be afraid to come across as being such and will therefore hold yourself back on your potential power.
Your financial ambitions will no doubt be held back by small obstacles. In year 5, remember to use your 5 senses. Your intuition, which previously confused you, will be stabilized by the overwhelming desire for change. If you do things the right way, you will be successful and reap the rewards until year 8.
Your key number is 6
Here are your predictions for this year:
It's not a question of age or maturity, it's a question of the will to live. Don't just settle for what you have: go further, be stronger this year.
You will have a balanced and flourishing family life. Although you may face some stressful situations in the middle of the year, you will gradually overcome these challenges with your understanding and wisdom. Your unstable character will not allow you to envisage a lasting relationship. You will not have a mind to look for your life partner this year. Love is not your main consideration, with so much else going on!
The beginning of the year will feel like a relief, as the situations and problems that have been bothering you for the past year will finally be resolved. Quite exceptional career development prospects will present themselves to you. However, you risk being confused by delays and annoyances. This year is likely to be easier to break out of established habits and patterns of behavior than in most previous years.
You will not hesitate to undertake some pretty risky financial speculations and it is a good time to consider these. However, it goes without saying to remain vigilant about everything that is related to your financial situation. Uncertainty is the core of Universal Year 6 and yet the opportunities for progressive and impactful change are at the heart of this vivacious and sometimes tumultuous energy.
Your key number is 7
Here are your predictions for this year:
This is a year of questioning and reflection on your life in general. Material aspects will not be favoured, so avoid embarking on a creative project. Everything you put in place in a 7 year set the trend for years to come.
Don’t worry, sooner or later, you will find your other half, just like everyone else, but it won't be this year. Everything comes at the right time to those who wait. You will undoubtedly meet people through casual encounters, which will leave you with some very pleasant memories. We sometimes tend to sabotage ourselves for fear of suffering or being disappointed. But it's part of life, it's inevitable (even more so in the process of love). You need variety and independence this year.
Following many successes, you will have to face an increase in activities and therefore, consider new strategies to be even more successful. You have to fight uncertainty and doubt. You must develop your confidence and your will to stand up for what you believe is right. You don't always have to lose what you have, to get what you want. It's guilt, disguised as fear, that makes you feel that way.
This is a good time to increase your income and have more stability. Do not hesitate to commit your money without necessarily taking the opinions of one or the other person into account. You can trust your instincts. They will not deceive you.
Your key number is 8
Here are your predictions for this year:
This year you will be successful, but the right way to achieve your success is to take small steps, and to achieve small victories on a regular basis.
People will look at you and will show you affection. If you are single, this will be very pleasant, you will be solicited from all sides. If you are in a relationship, your beloved will suddenly need your presence. For singles, when one door closes, another opens, but if you refuse to accept that some doors have actually closed, you will be unable to recognize new possibilities when you come across them.
You will be given the opportunity to assert your personality in your professional environment. You will have all the attention of others, even honors and people bowing down. Enjoy it. When it comes to careers or entrepreneurship, don't rush. All the changes and new beginnings should be undertaken gradually, step by step, adapting to the fast-changing world. Quite exceptional career development prospects will present themselves to you. However, you risk being confused by delays and annoyances.
You will feel compelled to incur expenses and, perhaps, live beyond your means. You do not need to overly worry about your material needs.
Your key number is 9
Here are your predictions for this year:
This is a year for inner growth. It is your spiritual and mental presence that requires attention.
If you are in a relationship, you will consider new bases of agreements with your partner. Be careful, you are at the end of the cycle, it is a year to look back on the continuous journey of your life and consider everything that has happened to you in your love life. There will be things you don't want to remember. For singles, this is the end of a 9-year cycle for you, you will feel the pull of change this year and be in a state of preparation for your new wings next year!
You won't have much to worry about. A resurgence of activities will make you forget many problems. Without slacking off on your daily tasks and responsibilities, you can afford to pay more attention to yourself. Certain reversals of situation will come to transform the normal course of your life in terms of work, especially towards the middle of the year. Beneficial changes will mean promotion and advancement. You have so many ideas and inspirations, and in such a unique way, that you might not know how to manage the energy or have the confidence to bring your ideas to fruition.
Focus on perfecting your organization to leave nothing to chance, so that you can take advantage of the beneficial position of this year with maximum efficiency. Too much interest and desire for material rewards will turn this period of your life into a very bad experience, while an attitude of "letting go and simply allowing things to happen" will make this year so fruitful and enjoyable, that you may wonder what you did to deserve this!