Monthly Horoscope

Gemini : What do the stars have in store for you?

21 May


21 June

Love life

If you are in a relationship, there will be clouds that threaten to burst around May 11. Fortunately, the stars will help you find how to understand your partner's hidden message. After a discussion, you will be able to have a fresh start on a better basis. For singles, a meeting can be expected during the passage of the New Moon. It will not be a small adventure but rather, a new journey that could last over time.

At work

The initial problems you may have had over the past month will gradually diminish, and your relationships at work may improve. If they don't improve, you don't have to worry because a good discussion with your colleagues will suffice. You might get new work opportunities at the end of the month, after the May New Moon.


A few gymnastic moves wouldn't go amiss. Take care of your body!

Your trump cards, or not

You have great control of your energies and you know your limits perfectly well.

Lucky number


Quote of the Month

Angels have always been part of Christmas . . . from the first Christmas until today. They are the glorious beings who announced the miraculous arrival of God's Holy Son on earth in the form of a tiny baby.

Mary Hollingsworth
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