6 Positions To Hot Things Up In Your Relationship!

At this time where everything goes sexually, is there still a place left for the Kama Sutra and the imagination?

The Kama Sutra offers a range of positions, and yet we often opt for the same ones!
Some women admit not having the ability of an acrobat and prefer to stick to good old habits.
Other followers of the different positions that make them reach 7th heaven persist in saying that it is more interesting to have sex in different ways.
The Kama Sutra indicates about twenty basic positions which also have many variations according to the imagination of the partners. If the major part of these positions apply to vaginal coitus, some allow however to practice anal penetration while others are aimed more specifically at the practice of fellatio, cunnilingus or even masturbation

Discover the ideal Kâma Sutra to bring pleasure to your relationship!
We have selected the positions that allow in-depth stimulation for 100% guaranteed pleasure!
Over time, the positions have been classified into different levels of difficulty of achievement:

  • Basic positions:

-The Missionary position and its variant the Tiger Union
-The position of the Greyhound and its variant the Elephant Union
-Andromache position

  • Intermediate positions:

- The position of the Anvil
 -The position of the Spoons
 -The position of the Goddess of Union and its variant of the Pius Union

  • The acrobatic positions:

- The Union position of the Bee and its variant the position of the Scales
 -The position of the Union of the Wolf
 -The position of the Grand Opening
 -The position of the Union of the Crab...
The advice from Womensdestiny
25% of women did not manage to have an orgasm during their last intercourse ... We suggest restraining ejaculation for the couple’s well-being; a technique initiated by Taoist sages almost 3000 years ago And yes, ladies, be reassured. As for you gentlemen, it is especially necessary to practice: there are exercises which strengthen the perineum and thus, learn to better control your excitement.